The Gallee Family

It’s a quarantine May 2020 and I’ve delved back into my genealogy . I was going through things my ex left behind two years before. Going through things that are important to me and putting them in a safer place

The only thing I “ really knew about my “ Galle “ connection was that my second great aunt who went by Anna ( Anna Georgine Friederike Henning ) married a Louis Gallee ( an accent put on the first E … and was told they were hugganotten or huganots of Germany …

I was told that they had two children

I was told that Onkel Walter died in the war. Thinking the photos above are him with his mother.. father.. and sister my Tante Hildi or ( Hildegard Galle-Zemmin ) I know the gravestone is his grave

Going through photos today I found these two pictures. I had to sit at amazement as I am almost 43 and have met my Tante Hildi . We visited her often as she lived Am Kanal 1, Potsdam, Germany and when we visited my family in Berlin, we would always go and visit or we would meet up and visit in a local bakery for “ kaffee und kuchen “ or “ einem Eis” we would sometimes take a walk in the Grunewald and sit by the water or just go up to her place and visit with her. Her place cluttered but always clean. In Germany the apartments are smaller than they are here in the USA and it seemed that a house full of furniture was in the space of a “ studio” apartment here. I remember we would always sit and talk about family, but whenever I asked she would not let me record it or write it down. So I’m amazement I found this photo … it’s of her brother!!!

This is all I know about them but would love to learn more . This is what I do know


Anna Georgine Friederike Henning married Louise Gallee

The parents of Louis Gallee are

Louis Gallee

Marie Ernestine Christians

He had many siblings

Anna Gallee

Albert Gallee

Wilhelm Gallee

Marie Luise Auguste Gallee

August Gallee

Robert Gallee

Gustav Adolf Gallee